What Kind of Financial Experts Will I Need During My Divorce?

Divorce, especially high asset divorce, can be complex and often requires the assistance of other financial experts. These financial experts can help spouses sort out some of the difficulties that come with dividing assets and debts. Without them, important details may be missed and the settlement you receive may not be appropriate.

Which Experts Do I Need?

Divorce is among one of the biggest financial transactions most will ever experience. Throughout this process, you will have to plan for the future and what it will take to rebuild a stable financial life, which is why it is crucial to ensure all assets are divided as fairly as possible.

Here are some of the experts that may be useful in your case:

  • Forensic accountants: These experts are particularly useful in cases where one spouse may be hiding income or assets. A forensic accountant will be able to comb through all of a couple’s assets, unraveling what may be separate, commingled, and marital.
  • Property appraisers: When spouses are not in agreement regarding marital assets, property appraisers may be necessary to assess their true value. Accurately valuing property may also be necessary for tax purposes.
  • Vocational evaluator: To determine the ability of a spouse to earn income, vocational evaluators may be necessary. They will make these evaluations based on the spouse’s job skills, age, work history, education, and the job market in their area.
  • Financial advisors: What may seem fair to one spouse may not seem fair to the other, so a financial analyst or advisor may be helpful.
  • Retirement plan experts: Retirement assets can make a divorce exceptionally more complex, especially if you want to successfully avoid paying an early withdrawal penalty. Retirement plan experts can help make this process go smoothly.

Speak to One of Our Experienced Divorce Attorneys About Your Case Today!

If you are dissolving your marriage, the skilled legal team at Ford & Friedman can assist you and help protect your interests. We understand the complexities of a divorce, especially when there is a substantial amount of assets at stake. You can rely on us for tailored legal services and individualized attention and service.

Reach out to our knowledgeable team today at (702) 904-9898 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys to get started on your divorce.
